Welcome to the ramblings of my head. If you can get through all of the spider webs, hopefully you'll have some fun. Don't blame me if you get lost though. You've been warned!

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Sunday Fun-day with K-lee Klein and a giveaway

So, I was told by a very dear friend of mine that I needed to start blogging regularly. As you can tell, if you look at the history of this blog, I have been a very bad girl when it comes to posting. It has been random at best. The very, very best, if you look at it sideways and squint a little. Well, no more. From now on every Sunday will be labeled Sunday Fun-day by me, and you will get a post. It may just be a load of rambling, but it will be there and I will try my best to make it fun, entertaining and /or interesting. I can't promise all three, I'm just not that talented.

Also, I'm regularly asked by readers for book recommendations. So, I'm going to start incorporating that into this blog as well. I am not going to rate, review, or rank books. I just don't have the time or inclination to do so. But when I read a book I really enjoy, I will mention it or feature it on the blog, so that others may enjoy them as well. You can be sure that there will be no snarky comments about the books I feature. I will be honest, but I simply will not put a book on here that I do not like.

I'm turning over this new leaf at the perfect time. It's December 1st today...woot! No, no, no groaning! To get us all into the holiday spirit, I will be doing a giveaway every week this month. That's right, you have the chance to win something free each Sunday. Feel better?

To start us off, I'm going to incorporate two of the things I just mentioned. The lovely and talented K-lee Klein is here with me this week. She has a reasonably new book out, published this past August, called Unbreak My Heart.
I bought the book on the recommendation of another author and read it this past week. I read during my two 5 minute breaks and lunch at my Evil Day Job, and I had to literally pull myself away from the book when I got home, so I could write.

It was fabulously angsty, with so much feeling I was pulled into the story, like I was living it instead of reading about it. The start was a little bit slow, but that may have been because I had so much on my mind and couldn't give the book the attention it deserved. That didn't last for long though. It's got cowboys, which I have a tendency to avoid because I've lived in 'bless your heart' Florida for most of my life. I'm so glad I didn't know about that before I picked up this book. I would have missed out. The two characters are beautifully flawed, with layers to their personalities. They go through some rocky roads throughout the book. There was sexual tension that had me gritting my teeth. Brett nearly broke my heart but the ending made me smile. Nothing is better than that for a bookworm like me. I didn't cry, but it was close a few times.

After I finished, I hit up K-lee on Facebook to tell her how much I enjoyed it. I think, in this grumpy and gruff world, a little kindness and complement to someone who deserves it is important. We don't know each other, except for online, but she was extremely nice. We had a great conversation in which I informed her I was going to do this, and she offered to answer a few of my questions about the book and give away a free copy to one lucky reader.

So now that I have blabbed away, here is K-lee.

So K-lee, without giving away too many spoilers, what was your favorite part of Unbreak My Heart to write?

First of all, thank you for having me and for reading Unbreak My Heart. Usually the hardest question is saved for last but this one...it's a toughie. I think I'd have to say the first forms of personal contact between Brett and JT - first kiss, first hug, first more than a hug and kiss. And contrary to what you might think, the emotional upheaval Brett went through during the whole story.

What was the hardest part for you to write?

The hardest parts in general were Brett's confused, painful emotions and memories because he really destroyed me as I wrote him, sometimes in a good way but generally in a very tearful way for me. This of course contradicts what I just said about fave parts, but it's true because Brett's heart needed to run the gamut from depression to hope and back again. The singular hardest part to write was something Brett did purely out of emotion and in-the-moment pain, something neither one of us is proud of him doing.

Did you base the characters off anyone or did they just come to you?

The story itself was originally for a very specific submission call but it didn't turn out the way it needed to be, plus it was 65,000 words too long. LOL. Other than that it just sort of grew. But I can say that I had huge physical inspiration for Brett - his looks, accent, even some of his mannerisms came from the only country singer I like (love), Christian Kane. (see below- yummy!)

Are you a pantser or a plotter?

I am definitely a pantser. The only things I have before I start a story are my main characters' bios. They're always the first part that appears in my mind anyhow since my stories are built around them and I love getting inside their heads. I usually know my beginning and my ending, but nothing in between except maybe a scene or two.

Do you think we might see Brett and JT again?

I would love to write more about Brett and JT. I always have a hard time letting go of my characters and Brett, in particular, is still living inside my head and my heart more than any other character I've written. Maybe I should have JT's background come out of the woodwork a little more since Brett's is pretty well revealed now, and I do admit that I love writing established couples, especially newly established ones who still have so much to learn about each other.

Thank you so much for joining me today, K-lee, and for the giveaway. It was very sweet of you! You can find Unbreak My Heart at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, All Romance and Amber Allure. Check out K-lee's website for more info.

If any of you get online, you should definitely follow K-lee on Facebook and chat with her. She's awesome!

If you have stuck around this long, I thank you for your patience and perseverance. Leave a comment and I will randomly draw a winner for the book. You have until Thursday, 5:30 p.m. EST.

Also, I wanted you to know that My Lord's Judgment is now available at Amazon, All Romance and Smashwords, as well as in PDF form in the member's area of my website. I also updated the member's area with a few little extras while I was at it. I hope you enjoy!

Until next time. Hugs and spanks,



  1. Regularity is important in so many things. ;^) Good luck on sticking with the blogging, it can be hard. I'm looking forward to seeing more.

  2. Thanks Max. Yes regularity is very important. *snort* I'm going to be good and not comment further on that.

  3. As someone that is unable to do anything with any continuity I wish you luck! Thanks for the interview!

  4. I admire anyone attempting to do a blog at all, especially if they can do more than twice a month. It was a good interview Taylor.

    1. Thank you. I think that is what has kept me from doing it. I never know what to talk about. I'm going to have to figure it out really quickly. LOL

  5. I have gotten your book My Lords Judgement. Haven't read yet but it is on my short list. K-lee's book Unbreak my heart sounds interesting, I will have to get it. You know I like cowboys.

    1. Ooo. Thanks Betty. You'll have to let me know what you think. xoxo

  6. Thank you everyone for participating. I really appreciate it!!
